About Us

Social Media Marketing Agency for Local Businesses

We specialize in premier social media management and marketing for businesses who want to reach a local audience. We don’t just provide a social media plan, we offer a partnership that puts your local or multi-location business directly in front of your ideal customer.

About The Powerly

We specialize in using social media to help local and multi-location businesses stand apart from their competition and expand their reach in the communities they serve. “Jack of all trades” digital marketing agencies may provide generic social media posting as a supplementary service.

In contrast, The Powerly has a laser focus on social media marketing and uses a hands-on, tailored approach to boost our clients’ engagement and sales.

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About Our Founder

Founded in 2020 by Hannah Young, The Powerly revolutionizes social media marketing, drawing on Hannah’s decade of experience in marketing for local businesses. As a consultant for startups, in a family of small business owners, and being a small business owner herself, Hannah deeply understands the challenges local businesses face—such as staffing, time constraints, economic fluctuations, and tight budgets.
Her practical, results-driven approach ensures your business thrives on social media as The Powerly delivers the outstanding results your business deserves.

Who We Serve

We specialize in the following industries: Medical Spa, Dental, Healthcare, Beauty, Apartment, Food & Beverage, Law, Home Services, Auto Dealers, & more.

What We Value

We believe in the power of “local” and take a strategy-first, individualized approach to social media that connects your business to the community.

Where We Are

Founded in Greenville, South Carolina, serving clients nationwide. We provide the talent of a global agency while maintaining a local touch.

Why Choose Us

We have the capabilities you’d expect from a full-service digital marketing agency, and we’re as accessible as a full-time, in-house social media employee.

Specialized Social Media Agency

What makes The Powerly different from a freelancer, full-time employee, or full-service digital agency?
We do social media better.

Freelancers, while flexible, risk letting personal commitments interfere with client work due to a lack of team support, and miss out on the creative synergy a professional team offers. The Powery combines the personal touch of freelancers with the robust support of an agency by working with a diverse network of specialists under Hannah Young’s guidance, ensuring clients both personalized attention with direct access to Hannah, and consistent, professional service.

Hiring a full-time social media manager involves significant costs, including a national average starting salary ranging from $57,000 to $75,000, plus taxes, benefits, PTO, and other employer responsibilities. The hiring process itself is resource-intensive, stressful, and time-consuming. In contrast, The Powery’s clients spend significantly less month-to-month on social media services, achieving about 75% savings on salary alone. With The Powery, businesses receive stress-free, complete, expert social media marketing, without the hassle of overseeing an employee.

While full-service digital marketing agencies offer a broad range of services, when it comes to social media marketing, working with an agency that specializes in this ensures better execution and ROI. The Powery focuses on social media marketing and management, even partnering with several full-service agencies to deliver expert social media marketing to our shared clients, leveraging extensive knowledge and resources for maximum impact. This specialization allows for greater success in digital marketing when everyone excels in their area.

The Powery offers tailored support and strategic expertise, providing specialized, cost-efficient social media management and marketing solutions that streamlines success for businesses.


“The Powerly has an amazing hands on approach that is perfectly tailored to your business and your vision. I am beyond happy with their work; they’ve brought me so much clientele.”

Frances M. | Owner